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The olive tree is the oldest and oldest tree in Anatolia. We want to start our belief in sustainability and nature with the olive tree. We want to bring you every product that will benefit your health in Turkey and all over the world. We offer EDDA organic olive oil to your liking.

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How To Taste Olive Oil: Easy Guide For Starter

Tasting olive oil can be a delightful experience, much like tasting wine or coffee. Whether you’re a beginner or an enthusiast, here’s an easy guide on how to taste olive oil:

1. Gather Your Supplies:

Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO): Choose a high-quality, fresh, and unflavored EVOO for tasting.
Small tasting cups or shot glasses: These should be made of glass or plastic to help you assess color and aroma better.
A clean, odorless, and taste-neutral palate cleanser, like slices of green apple or plain white bread.
Note-taking materials: A notebook or a smartphone to record your observations.

2. Choose the Right Olive Oil:

Look for an EVOO labeled “first cold-pressed” or “cold-extracted,” as these are typically of higher quality.
Check for a harvest date to ensure freshness. Fresher oil will have a more vibrant taste.
Consider the region or variety of olives used, as this will affect the flavor profile.

3. Prepare Your Tasting Environment:

Choose a well-lit and odor-free space to focus on the tasting.
Ensure the olive oil is at room temperature, as cold oil may have muted flavors.

4. Assess the Appearance:

Pour a small amount (about 1-2 tablespoons) of olive oil into a tasting cup.
Hold the cup at an angle against a white background and observe the color. High-quality EVOO should have a vibrant green or golden hue.

5. Swirl and Sniff:

Gently swirl the cup to release the aroma.
Insert your nose into the cup and take a deep sniff. Pay attention to the fragrance, which can range from fruity, grassy, nutty, to peppery.

6. Taste the Oil:

Take a small sip and let it coat your palate. Swirl it around in your mouth.
Pay attention to the flavor profile, which might include notes of fresh herbs, green apples, almonds, or a peppery finish.
Consider the intensity of the flavors and their balance.

7. Evaluate the Mouthfeel:

Notice the texture and viscosity of the oil. High-quality EVOO should feel smooth and not overly greasy.
Pay attention to any lingering sensations or aftertastes.

8. Use Palate Cleansers:

Between tastings or when switching oils, cleanse your palate with a neutral palate cleanser like a slice of green apple or bread.

9. Take Notes:

Record your observations, including appearance, aroma, flavor, and mouthfeel.
Note any preferences or dislikes.

10. Compare and Contrast:

Taste different olive oils side by side to appreciate the variations in flavor.
Discuss your findings with others to enhance your understanding.
Remember that tasting olive oil is a personal experience, and everyone’s palate is different.
With practice, you’ll become more adept at recognizing the nuances of different oils and developing your preferences. Enjoy the journey of discovering the diverse world of olive oil!

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